
Vegan gluten free blueberry muffins

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Not to mention that this veggie quiche has an extremely customizable filling and can be enjoyed at breakfast, brunch, lunch, and special occasions! Delicious, Vegetable-packed Vegan Quiche Recipe If I were to do a poll to ask what people miss the most when first starting to eat a vegan diet, I’d hedge my bets that the answers would often include eggs and cheese. Not to mention that this veggie quiche is such a wonderful dish to pack in lots of healthy vegetables. Within this recipe, I’ve used onion, peppers, leek, and spinach to make a delicious spinach quiche. However, feel free to swap them out for your favorites, or whatever you have to hand.

They can contain all varieties of fillings, including lots of vegetables, cheese, meats, and other proteins. When it comes to vegan quiche, there are tons of tofu-based options available. However, for those who avoid soy-based products, then chickpea flour is your new best friend. This chickpea flour quiche recipe is not only super delicious, but it is also wholly dairy-free, egg-free, and free of tofu. Plus, I even made a gluten-free quiche crust too! The Secret Ingredient This eggless quiche is completely transformed from the use of chickpea flour.

Chickpea flour, also referred to as garbanzo flour, besan flour, or gram flour is gluten-free, high protein, and creates a beautiful texture for the vegan quiche. When using chickpea flour, you also get to avoid the high cholesterol and fat levels found in eggs. The results are a healthy tart that is super filling but still light- Precisely what I’m looking for! In fact, the spice is so flavorful that it takes just a tiny pinch in a recipe. I talk more about this fantastic ingredient in this recipe for Vegan Tofu Scramble.

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