
Valentine’s day near me

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For further information about how we protect your data and your rights, please view our Privacy Notice. Blueberry Scones on a white surface. Featured comment These scones turned out absolutely amazing Lindsay! Incredibly light and flaky and jam-packed with juicy blueberries. Let me rephrase that: Valentine’s Day on Pinterest is killing me. This year I’m either going to hand-sew and individually stuff a bag full of heart shaped tea bags, or leave hearts made of flour all over the yard that lead into my bouquet of heart shaped cake pops, or die right now just thinking about how bad I am at crafty and cutesy.

I think I’m just more of a sconey girl. Blueberry Scones that taste fresh from the bakery! Juicy blueberries, crunchy turbinado sugar, and perfect browned for breakfast or brunch. Blueberry scones can be Valentiney, too, right? Because blueberries are definitely romantic, and if there ever was a food that screams LOVE ME, it’s that crunchy sugar on top.

I mean, the whole idea is like breakfast in bed but with 87 scones instead of Real Breakfast. I’ve always been on the fence with you anyways. I’ll even throw in a heart-printed paper napkin in there that I think I still have left over from 1999. Dare I even get my hopes up that we possibly have an old cracked Valentine’s day mug for breakfast in bed lattes somewhere in the basement? Yes, this is coming together well. Since last year, I’ve started doing more and more meal recipes and less and less baking for the blog. I was left to my own devices I would probably drown myself in a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough.

Specifically, THIS chocolate chip cookie dough. But I had this moment last week where I needed baking. I needed scones baked with fat juicy blueberries, studded with sparkly turbinado sugar and coated with a golden brown exterior and heavenly texture in my mouth. Making me feel like it’s okay to wear sweatpants for three more hours. The moment lasted for a few days, actually, during which time school was canceled so I got myself well-acquainted with the technique of making yummy scones that look like the one they sell at the bakery across the street which is on my mind 23 out of 24 hours of the day and that happens to be located right next to my new gym.

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