
Truffle fries

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Elevate it with cheddar cheese, steakhouse bacon or other options. The Skinny Dip7oz mini beer dunked into a goblet of House Frozen Margarita served with salted rim. 4 lb beef patty on house-baked bun, served with a side of ketchup. I like it on the Rocks32oz glass jar of our Doble Fina Margarita.

2 gallon bag of our Frozen House Margarita. The Spruce Eats: What is White Truffle Oil and How Is it Used? But it turns out both these assumptions are wrong. What is White Truffle Oil and How Is it Used? Danilo Alfaro has published more than 800 recipes and tutorials focused on making complicated culinary techniques approachable to home cooks. And it’s reasonable to assume that white truffle oil is made from truffles, or, at a minimum, that it at least tastes like truffles.

But both these assumptions, it turns out, are wrong. White truffle oil is the name of a product that’s made by infusing oil, usually olive oil, with a flavor compound found in white truffles. That compound, 2,4-dithiapentane, is just one of the hundreds of aromatic compounds that give truffles their elusive flavor and aroma. The vast majority of white truffle oil is made with synthetic 2,4-dithiapentane, which is derived from petroleum products. Some products, often labeled “all natural” derive their 2,4-dithiapentane from foodstuffs like broccoli, garlic, celery, onions or mushrooms. In either case, the product is made with no truffles whatsoever, and represents just one of the hundreds of flavor compounds present in fresh truffles.

Some truffle oils will even contain bits of dried truffle which are visible inside the bottle. A pound of truffles can cost several thousand dollars. And two, there is no reliable way to extract the flavors from a truffle. The compounds are highly volatile, and quickly disappear.

Fresh truffles hold their flavor and aroma for only about five days. Oils made by infusing actual truffles lose their potency equally quickly. Nevertheless, truffle oil, such as it is, has been popular since the 1990s, both in restaurants and among home cooks, and generations of enthusiasts, including professional chefs, have grown up with the one-dimensional flavor of truffle oil. And of course tastes and preferences are highly personal.

How to Use White Truffle Oil? Just because truffle oil isn’t made from truffles doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a potent flavor. Which means truffle oil should be used sparingly. A drop of two of truffle oil drizzled on a dish just before serving is enough to impart its unique flavor. Truffle oil shouldn’t be used for cooking, since the flavor would be destroyed by the heat.

Here again, individual preferences can vary widely. The flavor of truffle oil can be described as earthy, pungent, mushroomy, or perfumy, artificial, or even like gasoline. Also, because the synthetic compound is difficult to digest, some diners find that the flavor can linger for quite a while afterwards. The best, most well-rounded flavors will come from products that are produced from natural ingredients. White truffle oil can be purchased at most specialty food stores and high end grocery stores, as well as online. Look for oils that are derived from natural ingredients, and avoid ones that mention “truffle aroma”, “essence,” or “flavor. As with all cooking oils, store your truffle oil in a cool dark place, and use it within a month or two.

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