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Create your free account to continue reading. JMS1263 PREPARED BY ZULFADLI BIN YUSMAR 4151004191 ZULKARNAEN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN 4151006631 MUHAMAD SHAFIQ BIN AMSIR 4151002751 NUR LIYANA INSYIRAH BINTI SAAYA 4151006601 AKMAL SYAFIQ BIN MOHARMI 4151003831 NUR ELYANA ZALINI BINTI AHMAD ZULHILMI 4151006131 MUHAMAD AZLIE BIN MOHD AZZHAR 4151003941 NIK MUHD HANIF FATHI 4154009731 LECTURER MR. 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 – 3 2. 2 Product Review 4 Competition 5 Distribution 6 2. 3 Threat of New Entry 32 5. 4 Threat of Substitute 32 5. 4 Product-Market Expansion Grid 33 5.

3 Marketing Communication Mix 34 6. Coffee is a franchise of café restaurant chains best known for their tasty donuts, coffee and frozen yogurt that spans over four Asian countries. The company is owned and managed by Johnny Andrean Group. 2   This brand has successfully penetrated into the local market in Malaysia going against Dunkin Donuts and Big Apple as their main competition.

With each having their own identity and strategies to attract their customers, J. 3   As a large company, there are bound to be threats from the competition. As a newcomer in the food industry, J. CO had to compete with other companies to ensure that they can survive in the donut industry. Coffee is a café restaurant that is selling donut and beverages thus J.

3 Competition In Malaysia, there are several companies that produce the same product like J. For example of company that sell donut as their main product in Malaysia is Dunkin Donut and Big Apple. Coffee is one of the great café that serve fresh and tasty foods and drinks out there. They all started from Indonesia then growth to other Asia country. Due to positive feedbacks that J.

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