
The best fridge freezer 2020

If you buy something from the links on this page, we may earn a commission. We researched and compared hundreds of models so you can find the right fridge for your family. Your refrigerator is probably the most frequently used appliance in your home. When it comes time to upgrade, you should keep a few different factors in mind: price, allotted space, and the best fridge freezer 2020 taste.

Refrigerators come in several different shapes, styles, and configurations to cater toward families of various sizes with different budget constraints, and multiple needs. Some people may prioritize having a water dispenser and filter, others need a large ice bucket, some want plenty of space for frozen foods, while others strive for as much fridge space for fresh veggies as possible. French-door fridges are the most popular model. They usually pack the most advanced features and are available in the most colors and finish options. Because of this, they’re pricier than other styles. Side-by-side refrigerators have a skinnier freezer compartment on the left slide, and a larger refrigerator section to the right.

They allow for easier access to your frozen goods since you don’t have to bend down or dig through a drawer to access them. However, they make it harder to store wide items like leftover pizza boxes, and they don’t have as many extra compartments for quick-and-easy access to drinks and snacks like French-door refrigerators. Big surprise: Top freezers have their freezers on the top. They have a single swinging door to access things in the fridge.


But you’ll have to bend down to access your fresh veggies in the crisper drawers. They’re typically the most affordable refrigerator style you can buy since they lack in-door extras like water dispensers. Bottom freezers — you guessed it! They provide easy access to fresh items and offer more room for frozen food than top freezers, but you’ll have to bend down to access them. Refrigerators also come in standard or counter depth — the latter is not as deep, which helps them be better aligned to your kitchen countertops and cabinets.

Counter-depth models are typically more expensive. You’ll definitely want to break out the measuring tape before making a purchase to ensure you’ll have enough room for the fridge to fit. CNET’s appliance editor, Ry Crist, says that a good rule of thumb for capacity is to aim for 4 to 6 cubic feet of storage space for each member of your family. When you’re ready for an upgrade, you know you’ll have a gorgeous, reliable, and energy-efficient refrigerator that’ll last you for years to come.

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