
Substitute for agave nectar in baking

Peanut butter and honey muffins in a baking tin. Featured comment My substitute for agave nectar in baking LOVED these! This recipe makes roughly two dozen mini muffins.

And I’m happy to report that fluffy, nutty, honey muffins just came out of my oven. Which has an actual fire inside it. I think that means I’m good for another 6 muffins. I need to tell you a little story about why I have this amazing table. I am a dork about finding old, textured, worn pieces to use as backdrops for my food photos.

I am in the Philippines shopping for a piece of old wood that is not going to bring a termite infestation into our apartment. At the market this weekend, I saw that table. Scratched, graffitied, at least 6,000 years old and so wonderful. It was piled high with colorful cloths and it was clearly not for sale.

I went over and asked the man if I could please buy this table. He ran around the corner and came back carrying a brand new, completely polished and totally spotless table. After several minutes of confusing translation between father, son, and ridiculous American girl explaining that yes, I actually wanted the OLD one, they agreed to let me buy it. And now I can’t wait to set up my food photos on it. Now please go make peanut butter and honey muffins and cover them with melted butter.

These peanut butter and honey muffins are easy to make and so delicious for breakfast or a snack. Fluffy, light, and perfect peanut butter honey flavor! Peanut butter and honey muffins in a tin. Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt. Add the peanut butter and oil and mix with a fork until crumbs form. Add the milk and honey and mix until just combined. 10-12 minutes, until tops are golden brown and spring back when you touch them.

I am guessing about the exact temperature. I used to be a teacher, and now making food and writing about it online is my full-time job. I love talking with people about food, and I’m so glad you’re here. Instagram so we can find you! These look so delicious and I can’t wait to try them out! Just wanted to let you know, the vegan substitute for honey is typically agave nectar. I’m not vegan myself, but I bake for lots of friends who are, and they wouldn’t want honey in their desserts.

I’ll add a note about the agave. Maple syrup is a also a nice vegan alternative. Can’t wait to try them out! I think all that effort totally is worth 6 muffins! I can just see you trying to explain wanting the old table! I’m going to see if I can tweak them to be gluten-free for my boys. They look so good I think I’ll make a batch as is just for me too!

Congratulations on such a great find! I already have all the ingredients! Sounds like the perfect excuse to me. I love that these are sugar-free.

I can certainly relate to melting into several puddles while trying to cook! But when I started filling the tins, I thought oops! I love that these use honey! And what pretty muffins they are. Have you tried using recipes you’ve already made in the US with flour from the Philippines? German flour for American recipes using all-purpose, so I was just wondering. Hopefully it works for you because it’s such a huge pain.

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