

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Search Steak No idea what to search for?

Start browsing till you find something. This is a VERY tender Sirloin Tip Steak, almost like “Pot Roast”. Feel free to use any of the below tags. Schedule your weekly meals and get auto-generated shopping lists. Pepper, Worstershire Sauce, Soy Sauce, Minced Garlic, Chopped Onion, Lemon Juice. Place steak on center of foil sheet. Place a small amount of the seasoning mixture to the steak, quickly turn the steak over.

Pepper on the steak, and then place potatoes and carrots on the steak, top with the remaining seasoning mix. Carefully fold the foil into a “packet”. Roast in oven for 1 hour – reducing heat to 350 after 30 minutes. At this time, take the steak packets out of the oven, carefully open them, to check the progress. You will probably want to return them to the oven for another 30 minutes at this point.

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