
Soft shell taco

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Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 60 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 251,429 times. Here is a guide to making delicious beef tacos. Cook the meat in a skillet. When it is well cooked, then add the seasoning so this avoids drawing out juices.

Put meat in tortilla first, then add all the raw vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, and the salsa. Fold the tops of the tortillas together, tuck into a wrapper to avoid dripping juices and enjoy this delicious dish! How do I melt the cheese? You can add it on top of the meat when it’s still hot to let it melt, or throw the meat with cheese on top into the microwave to melt it. Can I make it without sour cream and taco seasoning mix? You can make it without both, but it wouldn’t taste like tacos without taco seasoning.

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