
Powdered egg substitute for baking

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Boxed cake mixes are so incredibly convenient. They are quick to put together, fast to bake and give you a fresh, delicious cake that would make anyone’s mouth water. And with a few minor tweaks, you can make them truly unique and delicious! However, most cake mixes require the addition of eggs in order to make the batter. But what if you do not have eggs on hand? Or perhaps you are following a vegan diet and would like to avoid eggs. Or, maybe you’re just looking for healthy ingredient substitutes.

You can still make amazing cakes using a box mix even without the eggs. Here are a few perfect ways to replace eggs in a cake mix. What exactly do the eggs do when mixed into the batter? Eggs actually play a lot of important roles in cake, the first being that they add structure. When the eggs bake inside the cake batter, the proteins in the cake coagulate, helping to create the overall structure of the cake.

Too many eggs and the cake will be tough and chewy. Eggs also add to the overall flavor of the cake. The yolk of the egg has a good amount of fat which makes the batter taste rich and smooth. Eggs add moisture as well since they are made primarily of water.

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