
Places to get a birthday cake near me

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. If you’re reading this, chances are either you or a loved one have a birthday coming up. And places to get a birthday cake near me that’s the casehappy early birthday!

I personally hate my birthday—I get all up in my feels about getting old and anxious about whether the day was “special” enough—so I like to have a schedule packed full of fun activities so I don’t have a spare second to overthink things. If you’re like me, or if you actually love your birthday and want to do it up right, then you’ve come to the right place, because I’ve compiled a list of 40 hella-fun things to do on your day of birth. Scroll down for all the party inspo, sweet birthday bb, and start planning a day that’s all about Y-O-U. And eat a slice of cake for me while you’re at it. You know, the one that you’ve been saving on your bar cart for a special occasion? There’s no better time than now to crack ‘er open. Use up those gift cards you’ve been hoarding.

Chant with me now: Shop-ping spree! Locate all the gift cards your grandma gave you last Christmas, and get your capitalism on, baby. Is there anything sweeter than spending money without anything coming out of your bank account? If I were you, I’d make it an ice cream cakeand then eat it all solo. You can also bake your own cake, no shame in that.

As long as you have some sort of dessert to stick a candle in, that’s what really matters. Another trip around the sun is in the pastnow don’t you wanna see what’s in your future? Take your GFs to find out what you have to look forward to by visiting a psychic. JFYI, it doesn’t have to be too serious.

Treat yourself to a spa treatment. Toenails that probably shouldn’t see the light of day? Pick your poison and prepare to spend the day in a fluffy white robe while being absolutely pampered. Splurge on that accessory you’ve been eyeing. There’s definitely a bag that came to mind when you read the above sentence. As long as said purchase won’t send you you in financial ruin, then consider bringing it home with you. You deserve it, you chic thing, you.

If your company doesn’t already give you a day off for your birthday, use some of your PTO. No one, I repeat no one, should have to lift a finger on their day of birth. Book a room for yourself at the bougiest hotel you can afford, and enjoy a night in with all the amenities. Take a bath, spread out on the king-sized bed, order room service, head to the in-house spa or restaurant, and revel in your newfound freedom. You can bring a friend for slumber party vibes, your S. No, really—kick it old school and embrace your inner kid with a day at your local arcade.

Yes, even that expensive face mask. Now’s the time to pamper yourself with all the products you bought this year but haven’t put to good use. And if you didn’t buy any? Pajama party, 70s party, stereotypical slumber party, wig partythe options are truly endless.

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