
Mexican beer names

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Lady Duff, Raspberry Duff, Out of Control Duff, Duff Gummy Beers, Henry K. Duff Beer is a brand of beer that originated as a fictional beverage on the animated series The Simpsons. In 2016, Time included Duff Beer in a list of the most influential fictional companies of all time. Duff is Homer Simpson’s beer of choice. It is a parody of stereotypical mass-market American lager: cheap, poor-quality, and heavily marketed everywhere. The beer’s slogan is “Can’t Get Enough of That Wonderful Duff”, though there are others. In the season four episode, “Duffless”, parking lot signs at the Duff brewery have the slogans “It’s Always Time For Duff” and “Now Leaving Duff Country”.

In the first season episode, “Homer’s Odyssey”, Duff is described as “The beer that makes the days fly by”. Their spokesperson is Duffman, a parody of Budweiser’s 1970s-era mascot Bud Man. He is a muscular, bleach-blond, well-tanned man with whitened teeth who wears a blue leotard and cape, red Duff Beer ballcap, mirror sunglasses, and a utility belt full of cans of Duff Beer. While Duff Beer comes in several varieties, it is revealed on a Duff Brewery tour in “Duffless” that regular Duff, Duff Light, and Duff Dry are the same beer, although Homer and Barney apparently remain oblivious to the fact. In “A Tree Grows in Springfield”, Homer asks for Moe’s best beer, so Moe gives him a Duff Adequate. In “Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk”, Homer celebrates a recent minor stock windfall by ordering a bottle of Henry K.

In the season 21 episode “To Surveil With Love”, Duffman makes a giveaway of Duff advertising in Moe’s bar while “Get Ready For This” by 2 Unlimited plays on the background, suggesting this might be the theme song for the beer brand or for the character. Fudd, a competitor to Duff, appears in the episodes “Colonel Homer” and “Lemon of Troy”, the latter showing it being enjoyed by residents of Shelbyville, rival town to the Simpsons’ home of Springfield. In the same episode, there is also a direct parody of the “It’s a Small World” attraction at Disney parks. The Simpsons’ writers had found the name humorous. Moe’s Tavern is a very close recreation of a tavern that was a block from the University of Oregon when Groening was there, called Duffy’s. Matt Groening has stated that he will not license the Duff trademark to brew an actual beer, over concern that it would encourage children to drink.

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