
Keto meals

M32,32 L0,32 L0,0 L32,0 L32,32 Z M10. Which Version of Keto Should You Follow? A keto meal plan is your keto meals to success on the ketogenic diet.

This guide offers a sample one-week keto meal plan — perfect for your first week on keto. Feel free to follow it to the letter or tailor it to your individual goals. Before you dive into the meals, review how to calculate your macros and which foods are keto-friendly. This will set you set you up for success after your initial week on the keto diet. Your approach to keto will differ depending upon your individual goals.

Below are a few common keto objectives, and the keto diet type best suited for accomplishing each. Those who follow SKD are typically looking to achieve weight loss or fat loss. An intake of 30 grams of net carbohydrates or less will typically induce ketosis. TKD allows for glycogen resynthesis without interrupting ketosis for extended periods of time. Athletes who follow a high-intensity, high-volume training schedule would be best suited for this approach. The goal of CKD is to completely deplete muscle glycogen between the carb loads while the TKD has a goal of maintaining muscle glycogen at a moderate level.

For Those Who Need More Protein: High-Protein Ketogenic Diet If you lift four times or more per week, you might require more protein in your keto meal plan. Macronutrient ratios are very important on a ketogenic diet. You’ll eat plenty of healthy fats and protein, while your total carb intake will be kept to a minimum. Start by using our keto macro calculator here to help you determine what and how much of each category to eat based on your specific body composition and lifestyle.

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