
How to make seitan

From Beyond Meat to Impossible Foods to everything in between, there are so many plant-based meat alternatives that taste eerily close to animal-based meat on the market. But if you’re looking to make your own vegan meat, the internet is chock full of vegan meat alternative how to make seitan. After all, vegans and vegetarians have been around since way before grocery stores started stocking vegan meats — meaning decades and decades of plant-based home cooking innovation precede all the vegan meat products in the supermarket. What is vegan meat made of?

There are endless possibilities when it comes to making your own plant-based chicken, steak, bacon, and more, thanks to simple ingredients that you might even already have in your pantry. Everything from rice paper to gluten to jackfruit to lentils to various soy products can be used to make plant-based meat. The following list is just a small sampling of all the vegan meat recipes that bloggers have to offer. If there’s something you’re itching to cook a vegan version of, simply google “vegan recipe” and the internet is sure to come through for you. Read on for 11 vegan meat alternatives you can make in your own kitchen!

Seitan, aka vital wheat gluten, is a meat substitute made mostly out of gluten, which is the protein in wheat. Turning gluten into a dough and cooking it is easier than it sounds — here are a few recipes for vegan meat made from seitan. Blogger It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken’s recipe for Vegan Seitan Steak is meaty, flavorful, and satisfying — if there’s a steak lover in your life, this is the perfect dish to make for them. No more mystery meat in your sandwiches! The blog Sweet Simple Vegan’s Homemade Vegan Deli Meat, also made out of seitan, will take your vegan sandwiches to the next level. Soy curls are dried fleshy strips made from 100 percent soybeans. Once rehydrated, they taste very similar to chicken, making them the perfect choice for a stir fry.

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