
How long to cook mussels boil

Freshly smoked oysters are delicate, juicy and only mildly smoky. My preference is to use small oysters for this recipe, as they are daintier and more fun to eat. I was lucky enough to be given a bag of lovely little how long to cook mussels boil from the Hog Island Oyster Co. Tomales Bay, one of my frequent haunts.

The result is briny, smoky, tender and oyster-y. If you make these, you will not be sad. The best way to preserve your smoked oysters is to vacuum seal them once they’re cold. If you do this, they will keep for a year. Otherwise, you can put them in a jar of olive oil and they will keep in the fridge for about two weeks. Oh, and can you do this with pre-shucked oysters? I suppose so, but it would not be my preference.

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