
Homemade breakfast pizza

Enough structure to pick up, but not thin and stiff like a cracker. 5 minutes kneaded by hand or 40 seconds flat using a homemade breakfast pizza processor. Pizza Sauce and favourite pizza toppings!

It makes a homemade pizza crust like you get from your favourite wood fired Italian pizza place. Puffy edges that are slightly crispy on the outside, but chewy and moist like Artisan bread on the inside. The base gets crispy enough so each slice has just enough structure to pick it up with one hand, rather than being a sloppy mess. But it still has that slight bend on the end, so you know the base of the crust is not dry and stiff like a cracker, nor paper thin. Stretch out to make pizza crust, spread with sauce, toppings of choice, bake 10 minutes! Useful tip: The dough can be made ahead up to 5 days. And it can sit around for hours once the individual pizza balls are formed.

So don’t fret about getting the timing exactly right! I wouldn’t make a special trip to get bread flour just to make pizzas. But if you are menu planning, then seek it out! This is what the dough looks like before and after kneading. It doesn’t need to be completely smooth like some bread doughs.

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