
Hand roll

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This article has been viewed 93,384 times. Rolling out dough has been a mainstay of baking for centuries. It’s an enjoyable experience, as well as a good opportunity to exercise your hand and arm muscles. Find a flat surface in your kitchen. This could be a counter, table, even the stove if you have a large flat wooden board to work on. Lightly flour the surface and the rolling pin.

Roll the dough into a large ball and place it in the middle of the floured space. Use your hands to press it down into a flatter circle about 1 inch or 2. Take the rolling pin and set it on top of the flattened dough. Press down and let the pin rotate as you push it.

Roll out the dough away from you in gentle even strokes. Turn it occasionally in order to keep an approximately circular piece. Always starting in the middle, continue to roll away from you until it makes as thin a sheet as you need for your recipe. Do I need to rest the rolled out pastry? Yes, that would be helpful, especially if your dough is resistant to being rolled out.

What can I substitute for flour? You could use a little bit of cornstarch or some wax paper. You just don’t want the dough to stick to the rolling surface. What are the ingredients to make dough? There are many different types of dough, but most are made with a mixture of flour, water, and yeast. You can find lots of recipes for dough online.

What kills yeast, sugar or salt? Yeast eats sugar to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. Why does dough spring back after rolling? If this happens, let the dough rest more before rolling, it allows the gluten network you just developed to rest and relax.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Make sure the surface is big enough to hold the whole piece of dough once it gets rolled out. Be sure your hands and board are well floured, and have the flour bin nearby to add more as you need it, when the board begins to stick. Flour will fall off the edge of the surface onto the floor or your clothes, so stand back and be ready to sweep up later.

Have your recipe, empty bowl, baking sheet, and other tools at hand since your hands will get really sticky. If you make it wrong, you can always collect the whole thing up again into a big ball and start over. Don’t press harder than you need or handle the dough too much, since that makes it tougher. Handle the rolled out sheet gently. To move a pie crust, slide it onto a piece of waxed paper.

You can use several other things if you don’t have a rolling pin, including a clean dowel or plastic piece of about 1-2 inches in diameter, or a large can or flat bottle. Thanks for submitting a tip for review! Make sure your fingers don’t get in the way of the roller! Add an Egg to Ramen Step 23. Cook Brussels Sprouts Step 21 Version 3. Brown a Roast for Cooking in a Crockpot Step 8. Cook Frozen Prawns Step 11 Version 2.

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