
Halloween baking ideas

In the long, dark autumn evenings, we often find ourselves playing with light: halloween baking ideas theatre performances, glow-in-the dark toys, lamps and lanterns occupy our rooms. We worked on these easy-to-make lamps over the last couple of days to decorate the house for Halloween.

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links to the products we’ve used. Christmas Mason Jar Lanterns: Perfect for winter months. Fairy Mason Jar Lanterns: Made with papercuts! Fairy-Tale Mason Jar Lanterns: Video tutorial is included in this one. 2 — Spray paint the outsides of the jars. 3 — Now, there are FOUR ways of putting the design onto the jars.

Depends on what you feel most comfortable with. DRAW: This was how the original lanterns were made. If you use our design, print it and insert inside the jar. You will be able to see it through the thin layer of paint like you can see on the picture above. PAINT: Recently, I’ve also discovered another way of putting my designs on. The recipe and the full tutorial with the video is here.

CUT AND GLUE: After you printed the designs, cut them out with scissors and glue them onto the sprayed jars. PRINT ON VINYL: Print the designs on vinyl and then adhere them to the outside of the jars. Now it is time to put some candles in and add some illumination to the room! Our son was giddy over the lanterns, and it was touching to watch him alternate between dancing with excitement and staring in wonder!

He cooed over them as if they were babies. We talked about hot and cold, and Budster was very careful of the flames. I showed him how to blow the candles out, which he found very funny. On that note, if you have kids, stay close to them when showing the lanterns and put the lanterns out of their reach when you cannot. If you are in doubt, use plastic jars and flameless LED candles. Here is the book of our Christmas silhouette projects with over 60 printable silhouette designs! If you want to stay updated on new stories from Adventure in a Box, consider subscribing to our Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram pages.

Make a set of enchanting Halloween lanterns from mason jars, suitable for elegant Halloween party decor. I am taking part in a Halloween craft party soon and these would be a great idea for the older children. I may use this idea for a Nativity Lantern Set for Christmas. I hope to make a Christmas set too! I coloured in with the marker, but that was a paint marker. We tried spray painting the inside, but it did not work, so we spray painted the outside only. I tried to print the image from you link, but it will not print.

I am not sure what the problem may be. I can email you a design if you are still having problems! Can you email me the design please? Liska, thank you so very much for sharing! I blogger about your idea, as we did your craft yesterday!

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