
Foods that start with p

I choose 4P because they work with small growers and help farmers, plus I love the fresh, diverse offerings and items such as honey, granola, sauces, salad dressings and unususal fresh cheeses! I love that I know what I’ll be getting, can skip a week or donate. Also, I love that I don’t pay in advance. The veggies and fruit so foods that start with p have been amazing and I love the recipes in the newsletter.

4P Foods makes buying local so easy. Honestly, being in their region makes my life so much easier. The food is fresh and amazing, there is great flexibility. I know I am getting nutritionally dense food and making a difference for my health, my community, and the planet. It is nice to know I am eating locally grown foods that are, mostly, organic. Thank you, Michael Pollan, you’ve ruined me forever. We ate well this year, and lost weight!

Great for pandemic, but even better for long term shift of eating local in season. They have relationships with small farms to have even citrus and Fair Trade avocados and bananas. 4P also works to donate fresh food where there is a lack of grocery stores in DC. Huge fan of their meat share! They deliver in a specially packaged bag to ensure the meat stays fresh. 4P has made me feel a lot more comfortable about the healthiness and ethics of the meat we eat!

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