
Crystal boba

035 0 0 1 6 . This crystal boba is about the Force relic from Mimban. You may be looking for Kyber crystals. Although the Force exists everywhere and within all living things, certain artifacts have demonstrated the ability to augment it.

One such artifact is the Kaiburr crystal of the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban. The Kaiburr crystal was an ancient Force relic, initially located on the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban. The Kaiburr crystal was initially used by priests to heal the sick in the Temple of Pomojema. However, for reasons unknown, the area was abandoned, and the crystal became a legend in the eyes of the local Mimbanites. It’s a cold chunk of rock. The Kaiburr crystal was a deep-crimson-colored crystal which glowed with a faint inner light. Another variant was completely transparent, with no red coloration.

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