
Calf slobber

You wouldn’calf slobber want to mess with a red kangaroo even if you’ve been having major gains at the gym. These kangaroos are more muscular than even the daily gym rats.

Despite looking bigger than the hulk, these animals are also very aggressive. Male red kangaroos can reach a height of up to 5. The largest kangaroo ever documented measured in at seven feet and 201 lbs. In 2015, Roger the kangaroo went viral on the internet. At 10 years old, Roger will most likely outgrow and outweigh the heaviest red kangaroo on record.

For now, at 200 lbs, he’s not doing so shabbily and we definitely wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. Red kangaroos are found across western and central Australia. They usually live in groups of 2-4 members but may congregate at times in numbers as much as 1,500 individuals. He’s a draft horse and a Percheron supreme world champion. According to his owners at Windermere Farms, he’s won many championships throughout the United States and Canada. Moose’ because he was always such a big colt.

Now he stands 19 hands and moves with incredible action. Giant George received the title as the world’s tallest living dog by Guinness World Records as well as the tallest dog to ever exist. The Great Dane measured in at 3 feet, 7 inches from his paw to his shoulder and nearly seven feet long. His weight was recorded at 245 pounds — about 100 pounds larger than the average Great Dane. His owners, Dave and Christie Nasser, shared that he was the runt of the litter.

He loved riding around his family’s neighborhood in a golf cart. He appeared on the Oprah show in 2010. While traveling there, he was given a row of three airline seats to himself. He died in 2013, just before his eighth birthday. Jenny Wheadon of Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Somerset, England, takes care of Chilli the big cow, who stands tall and proud at his height of 6 feet 6 inches. He’s fed exactly the same as the other cattle — just fresh Somerset grass and good air.

Chilli is 1 and a half feet taller than a regular-sized cow and estimated to weigh a whopping 2,750 pounds. He was found abandoned at the sanctuary one morning along with four other cows who were all normal-sized. He just grew and continued to grow and grow. The Kodiak bear lives on the Kodiak Islands in Southwest Alaska. They share similar measurements with the Polar bear and together they hold the title of the largest land carnivore. Unlike the Polar bear who eats almost exclusively meat, the Kodiak bear has a diverse diet which fluctuates with the seasons and availability of resources. During the spring they consume fresh vegetation along with the carcasses of animals that died during the winter.

Some other foods that they may eat year-round are seaweed, deer, and unfortunately, garbage left behind by humans. Kodiak bears are shot by hunters. You can’t have a list of huge creatures without mentioning the largest animal in the world and the biggest creature to ever have existed. The Blue whale is an absolute beast.

Long and slender, it can reach a length of up to 98 feet and weigh up to 190 tons. Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic where they numbered an average of 239,000. Now, there remain somewhere between 10,000 to 25,000 of these majestic creatures in the world. They feast mostly on krill and can eat up to 40 million krill in a day.

Their heart alone weighs around 400 pounds, the largest of any known animal. The Green Anaconda is the biggest snake in the world. It is also the biggest reptile. They can weigh up to 550 pounds and reach a size of up to 30 feet in length.

While lengthwise, it isn’t the biggest, its weight makes up for that and thus is regarded as the biggest snake. They can be found in remote regions in central parts of South America and usually live in places close to the water in the Amazon rainforest. Unlike humans and many other animals, they continue to grow throughout their entire lives. They are predominantly nocturnal creatures and consume capybaras, deer, tapirs, caimans, and sometimes even jaguars.

The state cat of Maine is also one of the largest and oldest domestic breeds in North America. The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed in the world with valuable hunting skills. Male Maine Coons can reach a height of anywhere between 10 and 16 inches and on average weigh 13 to 18 pounds, with females measuring just slightly smaller. The record for the longest domestic cat in the Guinness Book of World Records belongs to a Maine Coon named Stewie. Despite having such an imposing profile, Maine Coons are known for being gentle, intelligent, and quite playful creatures, hence their nickname as “the gentle giant. The Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world. It is native to the mountain streams and lakes of China.

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