
Byrek and baguette

Are These Truly the 75 Best Foods in the World? Have you ever eaten something you enjoyed to no end byrek and baguette immediately declared it the best thing you’ve ever eaten? The list is created with user ratings that are always changing, so these are the opinions of everyday eaters and not restaurant critics who raise their pinky fingers when sipping tea. We decided to analyze the food ranking to decide whether or not we agree.

We were shocked by some of the entries, while pleasantly surprised by others. Many, many foods were omitted, and there are some popular dishes in here that just really shouldn’t be. Add a cup of thick melted chocolate, and you have the stuff of dreams. Spanish explorers brought these treats to the New World, and nowadays, they are particularly popular in Mexico but can be found throughout Latin America. Although they came first, churros are the evolution of doughnuts. We’re certain Charles Darwin would agree. That’s all you need to create one of the world’s greatest snacks.

Quesadillas, of course, can have many additions like meat, beans, sour cream, salsa and veggies, but they must always include cheeses that melt well. Quesadillas are a perfect food, and we have enjoyed them big and small since childhood with no plans of stopping anytime soon. It all melds together seamlessly and is best enjoyed with some sort of salsa. There’s a reason tamales are sold fresh, frozen, on street corners and in bars out of large coolers turned heaters. They’re cheap, tasty and filling, a vehicle for basically any flavor you desire at that moment. And while that might sound too simple to be considered one of the world’s finest foods, it’s the marinade of honey, sesame, soy sauce, garlic and scallions alongside interesting sides that make bulgogi memorable.

We think this is the most perfect placement on the list so far. Koreans have 1,000 different condiments that all play an essential role in the overall meal. Meat, veggies, rice, egg and red pepper paste-sauce called gochujang create a blissful lunch or casual dinner. Bibimbap is like Korea in a clamshell box and a terrific example of controlled culinary chaos. Aging this cow’s milk cheese gives it a nutty flavor and gritty texture that makes it the perfect grating cheese.

That’s why it’s so popular over Italian foods, but it should have space next to any of the common cheeseboard occupants. Pay the few extra dollars for one of the world’s greatest cheeses. Its unmistakable shape is due to a law about working hours and the need to bake bread faster in the morning. It seems so French to care about human rights while also demanding a proper breakfast.

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