
Buy king crab

Cocktail Crab Buy king crab x 12 Cooked Crevettes x 10 Hot Smoked Salmon x 250g Crayfish Tails x 110g. Best of The Berwick Shellfish Co.

About Us Situated so close to the banks of the River Tweed and North Sea, The Berwick Shellfish Co. With the most breathtaking, unspoilt views of the rugged Northumbrian coastline from our office window, it’s surprising we get any work done at all. What drives us is the same passion that spawned our family business in 1969. The latest from The Berwick Shellfish Co.

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So it all started out as a joke. I found crab fascinating, the pulling of the pots, the cleaning of the crab, cooking, the scenery, the company and of course the taste of the crab was awesome! Pretty soon, whenever friends came to visit, I would take them out on the boat. I often heard it was the highlight of their trip. One day on a particularly rough day on the water, I said jokingly, “I’m just going to buy a hotdog cart and start selling you guys legs “One Leg at a Time”. We all had a good laugh about that, but the idea always stayed with me. I would always talk about what it would look like, how it would “feel”.

I’m sure my friends were sick of hearing it. Finally in 2006, the company I was working for went bankrupt. I decided then and there to take matters into my own hands and take a stab at my dream. Almost 15 years since the “idea”, here I am. I feel very fortunate to have made it this long in a tumultuous crab market. There have been a lot of learning curves and 16 hour days. I have great support from friends, family and some key industry people who have helped me get to this point.

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