
Best gluten free cupcakes

I have always used for gluten free birthday cakes and gluten free wedding cakes, but I wanted one that was lighter and frankly, required fewer odd ingredients. I was sure that this was IT! And in case the reviews on this recipe haven’t convinced you yet, let me assure you that this really is THE BEST GLUTEN FREE CAKE Best gluten free cupcakes! Including, and especially, the gluten free flour ingredient.

So please don’t email me or leave a comment that the recipe didn’t turn out as pictured or as described if you use another blend. Neither of these ingredients are available on store shelves, so there is no way anyone could ever fully replicate my blend because of those ingredients alone, not to mention all the others. As with any recipe, I urge you to also follow the DIRECTIONS. You may be shocked to see the difference it makes just to bake a cake using the exact same ingredients but adding them in a different order! That’s right, the INGREDIENTS matter and the DIRECTIONS matter! So take a moment to gather the ingredients I recommend and take a moment to read the directions and follow them.

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