
Benefits of lime water

It’benefits of lime water derived from the Tilia genus of trees, which typically grows in temperate regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. Linden tea has been used in folk medicine across cultures to relieve high blood pressure, calm anxiety, and soothe digestion. To create this herbal infusion, flowers, leaves, and bark are boiled and steeped.

Here are 8 surprising benefits of linden tea. We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Sitting down to enjoy a warm cup of tea can be a comforting ritual on its own. Although, linden tea goes beyond the comforts of an everyday mug of tea. Thus, linden tea may promote relaxation by acting like GABA. Summary Linden tea may promote relaxation by inhibiting your ability to become excited.

However, human research on this effect is lacking. Antioxidants are compounds that help fight inflammation, potentially lowering your risk of disease. Tiliroside is a potent antioxidant that acts by scavenging free radicals in your body. Kaempherol may fight inflammation as well. As the amount of these antioxidants may vary by brand and tea blend, more research is needed to determine how much linden tea you would need to drink to reduce inflammation. Summary Linden tea contains powerful antioxidants like tiliroside and kaempferol that help fight inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is associated with many diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Chronic pain affects millions of people around the world. However, keep in mind that 500 mg of quercetin is a lot. The amount of quercetin or other flavonoids in linden tea differs greatly depending on the brand and the proportions of buds, leaves, and bark in a particular blend.

As a result, it’s impossible to know how much of these antioxidants you may be getting in a single cup of tea. Additional research is needed to determine how much of this beverage is needed to relieve pain. Summary Tiliroside and quercetin — two antioxidants in linden tea — may help reduce pain. Still, more research is needed to determine how much of the tea you would need to drink to reap this potential benefit and whether the amount would be safe. The inner bark of the Tilia tree has been associated with diuretic and diaphoretic effects.

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