
Beer pong names

Real Men of Genius is a series of advertisements, primarily 60-second American radio spots, for Bud Light beer. The campaign began in 1998 under beer pong names title Real American Heroes with 12 radio spots.

Over 200 installments have been made. 38 million per year broadcasting just the radio version. The singing was done by Dave Bickler, the lead singer of the band Survivor, known for such songs as “Eye of the Tiger” from the 1980s. The humorous, yet seriously spoken, commentary was done by voice actor Peter Stacker. Each sixty-second ad gives mock glorification in the form of a tribute to men in overlooked professions or with humorous or eccentric traits or habits.

The advertisement is set to 1980s style anthemic music. Humor in part is derived from juxtaposing over-the-top vocals sung by Dave Bickler. In addition to providing humor, the music is an effective jingle. In mid-2001, Anheuser-Busch ordered another 17 Real American Hero ads be made.



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