
Baked potato near me

Friends, meet Six Baked potato near me Sausage Potato Pie. But this is also like a pie because when you bake things in circle pans, even without a crust, then you can call them pie and life is more fun. This very savory, very nummy Sausage Potato Pie has been THE SINGLE REASON I’ve been getting out of my warm, fluffy bed to brave our mean, cold, hardwood floors in the morning these last few weeks.

And I wish I was kidding, but no. Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie – a simple savory brunch dish that is filling and adaptable to whatever you have on hand! The fact that I like to eat this in the morning is actually saying a lot since savory breakfast and I don’t normally get along. This Sausage Potato Pie is my one exception.

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