
Apple crisps air fryer

Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways apple crisps air fryer’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you.

This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. Unlike deep fat fryers where food is submerged in hot oil, an air fryer uses convection heat. Maillard reaction to crisp up the exterior of food, with tasty results. Air fryers can pretty much cook anything, but there are a few exceptions. She told her 269,000 followers the five foods you should avoid placing in an air fryer.

Here are five things you probably shouldn’t cook in the air fryer. Five foods you should never put in an air fryer Air fryers have soared in popularity over the last two years, due to the device being both a cheaper and healthier alternative to the standard oven. However, some households may be negating their air fryer’s use by putting in foods that aren’t recommended by experts. Here are five foods you should never put in your fryer. The last one is controversial, so stay with me. The first food Steph advised against cooking in an air fryer was popcorn.

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