
90 minute man bread

Putting the beer into geeks since 1996. Protip: Log in now to search, get 90 minute man bread, see fewer ads, hide this, and whatnot. Turn your rating into one with 150 characters or more.

Protips: Explain why you’re giving this rating. Nonconstructive reviews may be removed without notice and action may be taken on your account. Learn more: How to Review a Beer. Please log in to Report an Update. Notes: 60 Minute IPA is continuously hopped — more than 60 hop additions over a 60-minute boil.

Getting a vibe of where the name came from? 60 Minute is brewed with a slew of great Northwest hops. A powerful but balanced East Coast IPA with a lot of citrusy hop character, it’s the session beer for hardcore enthusiasts! Pours a translucent, copper in color which turns gold when you hold it up to a light.

A half inch of frothy foam sits on top that dissipates to a thin layer over time. Lots of lacing on the glass as you drink. Candied malts with a soapy, evergreen pine and citrus hoppiness. Taste is similar to the aroma.

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